Monday, July 13, 2015

Homework Challenge - Week Two

This week I am bringing Museum Victoria to you at home!

Enjoy the Think Ahead Virtual Tour and Images.

Think Ahead is an exhibition about advances in science and technology across ten themes - communication; medicine and health; music and sound; food; natural systems; transport; space; cities; daily life; and money. With more than 200 museum objects from the past, the present and the speculative future, Think Ahead blends innovative technology with hands-on experiences to inspire you to research, think creatively and share your ideas.

Ask yourself the following questions before you watch the video.

What will our future be like?

What will our cities look like in the future? 

How will new materials change our houses, cities and clothes? 

What will we eat? 

How will we use the space around Earth?

Fantastic Images highlights some past visions of the future featured in the Think Ahead exhibition.

Futuristic Images...

Now answer the following questions...

1.  What problems do you think these forward-thinking futurists were trying to solve?

2.  Which problems have been solved today?

3.  What are the differences between the real solution and the imagined one?

Use these images to stimulate your imagination and think about how we solve problems.

4.  List 5 things you think we do to solve problems?

To leave your Challenge answers post a comment, remember to use the Quality Blog Comment check list!


  1. Hi Mrs Rolton,
    My answers to the questions are:

    -Our future will be full of technology and it will be very modernised. -Our cities will have lots of buildings and houses and the transportation methods that you see will be very different because they will be modernised, improved and will have new technology. -New materials will change our houses, clothes and cities by improving them, modernising them and will make them more versatile and stronger -I think we will eat the same food but prepare it in different ways. -I think that we will use the space around Earth to experiment and to travel.

    1. The problems I think that these forward-thinking futurists were trying to solve were how we envision our future, ideas for the future and what the future will be like. 2. I think that the problems that have been solved today are how we envision our future and our ideas for the future. 3.The differences between the real solution and the imagined one is that the imagined one will sound crazy a and non-real but the real solution will sound similar and amazing. 4.Five things we do to solve problems; -Think logically. - Create solutions. -Work it out. -Think it through.
    Can't wait to see you!!!
    From Tash

  2. Hi Mrs Rolton,
    My answers for the questions are

    Our future will have a lot of technology and every day we will have new updates-our towns and cities will be much more advanced with new ways to travel and tall buildings everywhere-the new materials wil make a big difference on how our houses look and clothes will feel different against your skin-I think that our food will be served the same but on different portions and prepared differently-I think that we will use the space around earth to create more room for traveling.

    The problems that I think the forward thinking futurists were trying to solve is what our future will turn out to be like.
    The problems that have been solved today are how we imagine our future and our ideas for our future,
    The difference between a real solution and a non real solution are that the non real one will always turn out how you want it to be and the real on won't.
    5 things we can do to solve problems are be creative,ask for help,think through the problem carefully,talk about it and think of solutions.

    From Leila
