Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Haunted House

One sunny afternoon a boy named Tom was playing out the front of his house when he accidentally kicked his soccer ball across the road and into a house.
This particular house was told to be haunted!  But Tom doesn't know that, so he ran across the road and into the haunted house.  

Once inside, the door shut behind him.  Tom shivering in fear, slowly walked up the stairs.  He came to a corner. Then Tom heard the door open and shut.  He heard foot steps.  Tom was frozen.  He turned around and saw... His friend Jerry!
"Oh phew! It's just you!" Said Tom.
"I followed you in here."  Said Jerry.

Tom kept walking, so Jerry followed and as they turned the corner they saw a huge terrifying shadow.
The boys screamed, ran down the stairs, out the door, across the road and back to the front of Tom's house.

"OH MY GOD!"  Said Jerry.
"That was too close!"  Said Tom.  Then a small dog ran outside of the haunted house with Tom's ball.
"Oh! I guess it wasn't a monster!"  Said Jerry.
"Should we keep it?"  Asked Tom.
"O.K!"  Said Jerry.
"Lets name it Bazinga!"  Said Tom.

By Macca


  1. The hairs on my arms were standing up but when the dog came out I didnt feel a scared.
    Aneiah Schuler

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Macca,
    That was an awesome story!!! I Especially loved the part at the end where he says "Lets name it Bazinga!"
    From Will
