Wednesday, August 5, 2015


On the windy holidays there was a new park that was being built and we got to play on it with my friends. After a while I went on this spinning wheel and i felt sick.After one hour we had to go and that was sad, I wanted to stay but we had to go.

Once we had got home we had some dinner and we had this spicey chicken. After dinner we watched some WWE with my dad. WWE went for about a hour and a half.

Before we went to bed I asked dad if we could go to the park the next day and he said, ''yes''. We woke up the next day at 9:am. We went to ask dad if we could go to the playground but he was asleep so we waited.

Later on that day mum rang us and said we could go to the park. So we went to the park so wen went fot about an hour and a half. Then we had to go back home.

Next time i know not to go on the spinning wheel. I named it the wheel of DEATH. Every day on the school holidays we went to the park.

By Tristan

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am Nikki and I am your quadblogging partner from Silverdale School.
    It sounds like you had an awesome holiday! The spicey chicken sounds delicious. I hope you enjoyed your holidays. What is WWE?
