Thursday, May 7, 2015

Weather vs Mankind


 Marching from Karajini like cadets, we’re nearly there, we can see the battlefield, it’s nearly here, it’s about to hit us. Running like horses we run for the school, a flood of sandbags start covering our school for protection from the storm. Hail as loud as a gunfire, lightning as bright as the sun and floods rising like buildings. Trees have fallen, cliffs crumbling, buildings flattened and playground equipment torn down.

We use fallen trees as bridges over the pool puddles. With our umbrellas, raincoats, boots and beanies for armour we are ready to fight. All while we are fighting the weather is working up a storm of: hail bullets, spears of lighting, rain missiles, bombs of snow, gunpowder clouds and blasts of thunder.

We fought for our school today with pride and we bet the wind out of the storm, until it gets it back and comes for more.

writen by jacana Vincent

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you wrote really descriptively, great work!
