Friday, February 27, 2015


R uuuuunnnnn, to the pre primary buildings its raining find shelter! 

A aaaaagh the creek is flooded and the bridge has mysteriously vanished into thin air,

I 'll call the police, no we'll get in trouble,

N oooooo tsunami run, there's no where to run, can you swim? YES, I can but I am to scared and paralysed with FEAR!

By Rahyne, Charlie and Riley


  1. Dear Riley, Charlie and Rahyne

    Room 5 Digital Dudes and Dudettes enjoyed reading your amazing poem. We really enjoyed the great detail because it helped us visualize a picture in our head about the bridge, rain and a possible tsuanmi at Tom Price Primary School.

    Well done you did a great job

    From Room 5 Hero Headquarters Digital Dudes and Dudettes

  2. Dear Charlie, Rahyne and Riley

    Darcy.T and Zaykeas really enjoyed reading your awesome creative poem. After reading the R we both really wanted to finish the whole thing.

    From the digital dudes of Darcy.T and Zaykeas
