Friday, June 26, 2015

Leavers Shirts

In preparation for our long awaited 'Leavers Shirts' to arrive.  

Please bring a plastic bag to school with you on Monday.  

Also ensure your name is written on the bag with a sharpie.

Monday morning please give your plastic bag to Mrs Rolton!

NAIDOC Day Speakers

Calling all Room 5 Speakers

Three Students will be chosen from Hero Headquarters!

Are you interested in being a speaker at our up coming NAIDOC Day celebrations? 

If so by the end of today (Friday 25 June 2015) please submit an explanation in one 

paragraph, why you would be the best student to speak at this auspicious event.

No late entries will be excepted!

Friday, June 12, 2015

17 Years Of Age Is An Appropriate Age for War

I strongly suggest that 17 years of age is an appropriate age to go to war for Australia. 

Firstly, a lot of teenagers these days are more fit and agile. This means that on the battlefield, they have more chance of escaping fatalities and explosions.

Secondly, more of the younger teenagers now have more adrenalin in their system. They enjoy activities that involve risk or involve chance of death. A lot of Teens do a lot of things that include fitness, mentally and physically.

A lot of teenager plays games involved in FPS shooting games (First Person shooter) which makes you feels like you’re shooting a weapon. 7/10 People who play these games eventually want to join the Armed Forces. With the knowledge of map coordinates, guns, Strategy, reflex skills and commands shown throughout the levels in the game. It is sure to leave you with some Military education.

If you are 17, have some military skills and some agility, don’t be afraid to join the Armed Forces and have Blast! Even if you don’t go to war you will still be educated and have a good career ahead of you!

By Toby

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Our Disastress Creek

''drip, drop, drip, drop'' that's the sound of rain drops dripping of the bridge railing falling into the creek. The grass is dirty and muddy, there are tadpoles underneath us in the puddles. There are sticks and leaves in the dips causing a blockage and a muddle. Hopefully soon the grass will be fresh and green again for playing in!

By Meg and Azaelia

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Rainforest

The Rainforest 

This rainforest is home to a lot of different plants and insects. 

I love finding out the secrets and different things in this rainforest.
By Leila and Rahyne

Thursday, June 4, 2015

17 year olds should not be able to join the armed forces

I strongly believe that 17 years of age is definitely not an appropriate age to join the Armed Forces. My reasons for this is, that you won’t have a long life, you are not mentally prepared and there are lots of ways to get killed.

My first reason is that you will not have a long life. You aren’t as experienced as older Armed Forces personnel so you can die easily. Did you know that 92% of young Armed Forces personnel die in war and don’t have a long and happy life?

Next, at 17 you are not mentally ready. Imagine watching all of your friend’s die, that would be horrible! Don’t you think so? If you get back from war you won’t be the same person that you were before the war. You will be mentally and even physically altered.

My final reason is that if you go to war, there are lots of horrible ways to get killed. There are many gasses, grenades, mines, bombs, guns, bayonets, rats, frostbite and lots more! Being killed by any one of those things would be devastating! Don’t you agree?

In conclusion, 17 years of age is not an appropriate age to join the Armed Forces because you will not have a long life, you are not mentally ready and there are lots of horrible ways you could be killed. Does anyone really believe that 17 years is an appropriate age to join the Armed Forces?

                                                             By Natasha

You should not go to War at the Age of 17!

You should not go to War at the Age of 17!

I strongly believe that at the age of 17, you should not be able to join the army. You are not mentally or physically ready it could cause death!

Firstly, you are not mentally ready to go to war.You might think you are ready but you will find that you'd be very stressed. If you come home you will get nightmares and may even not be able to bring yourself to go outside of the house.

Secondly, you are not physically ready, you could die because you have to run from a bomb or gas. You might not be able to out run it and the next thing you know you are dead. Imagine the pain that would cause?

Finally, you could die and imagine what it would feel like to watch your friends and family die. It would be too big of a risk of death or injury. Would you be able to deal with the pain of watching the horror of the death of your close friends and family?

Therefore, you’re not mentally or physically ready to go to war. Imagine the pain you would cause your friends and family if you didn't come back. You should not be able to go to war at the age of 17.

By Leila

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

100 word challenge

''slam!'' that was the sound of Annabell closing the car door as she got out to discover her new mysterious house. Annabell had moved into a gigantic, old farm house with a herific paddock. She was very adventurous so she decided to go have a stroll at the end of the paddock. Annabell went skipping through the long green grass till she got to the end of the paddock. The grass made a dead stop and the grown was covered with dirt and leaves. There was a large, black, stone couch with a huge, green, beautiful, lush hedge behind it
Written By Meg